CIECI is open to new members who meet the criteria of the organization.

Membership inquiries can be made by contacting CIECI Assistant Coordinator, 
Katie Lilja at
or 202-508-8777.

The CIECI membership application can be found here. Membership applications are reviewed twice annually (May and October).


How can your company become a member of this Initiative?

The criteria and steps to membership are simple:

First, the applicant must be a U.S. company within the construction industry.  The Initiative is open to responsible companies that design and build projects, including architect/ engineers, general contractors, specialty contractors and subcontractors.

Second, prospective members should address correspondence to the Initiative Coordinator, signed by the CEO or President, agreeing to comply with the following CIECI Principles:

  • Each member shall have and adhere to a written Code of business conduct. The Code shall establish high ethical values and compliance with the law applicable to the U.S. construction industry.
  • Each member shall train its personnel as to their personal responsibilities under the Code.
  • Each member commits itself to work together toward maintaining open competition in the industry, free of conflicts of interest and undue influences.
  • Each member shall have responsibility to each other to share best ethical and compliance practices in implementing the Principles.
  • Each member shall participate in the annual Best Practices Forum.
  • Each member, through participation in this Initiative, shall be accountable to the public.

The correspondence should affirm the company’s commitment to the aforementioned principles, provides a statement of current company annual revenues, and gives the name and full contact information of a vice president or management official as the key contact person for CIECI correspondence and information. Additionally, the Company must agree to pay an annual assessment to fund CIECI operations, based on the following:

There is a one time payment of $3000 for all new members.  Annual assessments, based on annual revenues, are scaled as follows:

Revenues over $1 billion – $6000 per year
$250 million to $1 billion – $5000 per year
$50 million to $250 million – $4000 per year
Under $50 million – $2000 per year

Note: For new members, the annual assessment (not the initial payment of $3000) is prorated on a twelve month basis (e.g. membership effective July 1 requires payment of one-half the annual amount).

IMPORTANT: Do not send checks with initial correspondence.  Once accepted, the company will be invoiced by CIECI for the first assessment payment.
